General Assembly 2011 in Fubine (I)

On Saturday, June 18, 2011 the 4th general assembly of the FBBSI took place in Fubine (I)

Information can be found in the summary:

FBBSI General Assembly 2011 12th of june  in Fubine (I)

Birgit H. Hilsbos (chair) called the meeting to order, welcomed all attendees and thanked them for coming. She asks for changing requests, there are none. Roberto D’Angelo will translate from German to Italian.

Paolo Delfini (Chair PSBCI) explains the modalities of x-ray in Italy. In regards of «Miscellaneous» he complements for a better understanding the requirements to get a recognized FCI breeding name in Italy and explains the status of efforts for the «Reproduzione Selezionata» as well as some more points (e.g. MDR1, temperament testing), that have to be discussed with ENCI.

Birgit Hilsbos reads the journal and points out the successful work that has be done to reach the definite recognition by the FCI. Journal was accepted.

G. Frei-Dora reads the audited financial statements.
Motion to accept it. Motion carried.

2011 is election year. Birgit Hilsbos states what members of the board desire to stay and asks for secret elections. Motion carried.

1.1. Präsidentin / Presidente / chair
Birgit Hilsbos is recommended by the GWS, is elected unanimously and accepts the election.

1.2. Vizepräsidentin / Vice-présidente / vice chair
Gabi Frei-Dora is recommended by the GWS, is elected unanimously and accepts the election.

1.3. Kassiererin / Caissière / treasurer
As new treasurer GWS recommends Romi L’Eplattenier. She is elected unanimously while absent and assured to accept the election.

1.4. Beisitzer / Assesseur / director-at-large
Ilona Vogt SFJK
Is recommended by the SFJK, is elected unanimously while absent and assured to accept the election.

New members
Paolo Delfini and Serena Carisch are recommended by the PSBCI, are elected unanimously and accept the election.
Irene Langguth offers herself and Ingrid Anderlohr is asked by the GA, both are elected and accept the election.

1.5. Revisoren / Réviseurs / auditor
Pino Manca (GWS)
is elected unanimously while absent and assured to accept the election.
Roberto D’Angelo (PSBCI)
is elected unanimously and accepts the election.

Further translation will follow asap.